September 23-27th

Mum and Garter Tradition

Homecoming mums have been a Texas high school tradition since the 1930’s. They started off as real chrysanthemum flowers and a few short ribbons at that time but quickly grew in size and spirit by the 1980’s. Today, homecoming mums can be found in all sizes and levels of creativity. At one time a young man would provide a mum to his date to wear to school and the homecoming game and the girl would provide a smaller mum on an arm garter for him to wear. Now with so many students across the state going with groups of friends, parents, students themselves are creating or ordering their own mums. These spirit items are typically worn to schools and games across the state (not dances).

We are excited to continue this long standing Texas tradition at Grace Covenant Academy! We love connecting with our students and the school spirit that is fostered in time honored traditions and events.


Here are a few tips:

  • Mums and garters are allowed to be worn to school on 9/26 by high school students only
  • Typically the size of your mum/garter gets larger from freshman to senior year but it is your preference
  • Freshman, sophomore and junio mum/garter ribbons are school colors (red, white and navy)
  • Typically senior mums/garters are white (with silver for GCA) but go with your preference
  • Traditionally a ribbon on the mum/garter would have the current year, another with the students name, another with “fresman, sophomore, etc.”
  • It is fun to also have a “trinket” representing the students interests hanging in the mum/garter. A music note for band or choir, a cross for faith, a volleyball, etc.

Getting the mum

Join the fun! You can make your own or place an order.

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